Mandala colouring book created by Sickle Cell patients
Mandalas are well-known for channeling relaxation and settling the mind. Adult colouring books using classic and modern versions of this traditional art are popular worldwide. They promote harmony and tranquility, something all of us need in our fast-paced world.
We had originally introduced Mandala colouring to our patients as an add-on means for pain management – focusing the mind away from the pain does help at least during milder painful episodes.
Our workshop patients have now created an original Mandala colouring book centered around Antiguan themes. It’s unique, it’s beautiful and something to be proud of. The first copies are now for sale at Best of Books. A big thank you to Paperclips who printed the books, to Best of Books and to the Antigua Rainforest Zipline Giftshop, where the books will be available as of October.